Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where is Edward Snowden?

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Alright, by now everyone knows who Edward Snowden is and for those who still scratch their head about his now infamous name: Where the hell have you been!? Edward Snowden is the 30 year young NSA whistle-blower who made the world aware of two top secret spy programs; one domestic and one foreign. His betrayal to the US intelligence community has not only angered top officials, it also initiated a barrage of events which soured diplomatic relations between the US and a host of countries such as China, Russia and Ecuador.

Edward Snowden’s revelations rank among the biggest security leaks in NSA history, and before this system administrator joined the ranks of the NSA as a contractor employed by Booz Allen Hamilton he was also a contractor for the CIA. He is a high school drop about and former US Army Special Forces recruit, but never completed training.

He has made the public aware of the interception of phone metadata, which is basically data about data and in this case the phone numbers as well as length of phone calls without the actual content, as well as well as two internet surveillance programs; PRISM out of the US and Tempora out of the UK which he knew about as the UK shares information with the NSA.

He is now a fugitive and charged under the Espionage Act. The charges against him include: theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified intelligence with an unauthorized person. Eric Snowden made the global public aware of the surveillance programs in an interview with UK newspaper The Guardian this month.

Snowden conducted the interview from Hong Kong where he sought security from US officials. He remained there for a few weeks, but grew uneasy of his personal safety which led him to seek assistance from WikiLeaks and their expertise in this delicate matter. He especially sought out their legal assistance as WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being sought for extradition, but he found asylum and currently lives in the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he enjoys Ecuador’s protection.

So, where is Edward Snowden?

He boarded a plane in Hong Kong and flew to Russia where he is believed to currently be in a transit zone at an airport in Moscow. The US begged Russia to extradite him, but Russia has no extradition treaty with the US and Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Edward Snowden is free to go where he likes. President Putin also stated that Snowden as not entered Russia and that Russia has not contracted him. While Russia will not extradite him, President Putin said he hopes he will leave the country soon.

The US has accused China that Snowden was hired by Chinese intelligence officials in order to infiltrate the NSA through Booz Allen Hamilton which was dismissed by China as pathetic and diplomatic relations tanked. The US has acted in a childish way and does not need to wonder why global super powers have no intentions of cooperating or assisting the US in their issues. The bad seed the US sowed when others were less powerful come home and haunt the US.

Russia has no intentions to assist the US either, but is aware of the exact whereabouts of Edward Snowden. Since the US has decided to arm Syrian rebels and angered Russia with their interference in matters the US has neither right nor power it is only natural that President Putin declines US request in the highest political manners. The US is mad and once again displays its idiocy when it comes to foreign relations.

Edward Snowden is rumored to board a plane to Cuba from where he will be headed to Venezuela before finally arriving in Ecuador where he will seek asylum and his request will most likely be granted. The US revoked Snowden’s passport and Ecuador has issued refugee papers to Snowden in order to ease his travel issues. It is believed that Ecuadorian officials are currently working on finalizing his travel plans as Snowden awaits confirmation in the transit zone of a Moscow airport.

The US has now managed to piss of China and Russia with their accusations and as the US saying goes: ‘Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!’ the US will feel further fallout from their actions. The US has treated other countries like a piece of dirt when they were powerful and others weak; now the tide is turning and the US has a hard time realizing this.

Edward Snowden, thanks for providing great material for a post right here at Rogue Forex Trader. May your travel plans go as scheduled so that you arrive in Ecuador where you can live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder which is the sad reality. Thank you for making all of us aware of what is going on as you can rest assured you have been the cause for a deterioration in diplomatic relations between the US and the new super powers of this world while what may or may not happen in Ecuador has the potential to cause a political scandal.

PS: The hottie in the above picture is Alicia Secrets.
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bernanke opened Pandora’s Box

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As I entered my EURUSD short positions at 1.3400 and GBPUSD short positions at 1.5700 earlier this week I was well aware of the fact that Ben, the Septic Tank, Bernanke and his 12 plumbers will start their Fed meeting on Tuesday and that the FOMC will make a statement Wednesday at 1400 hours New York time followed by a press conference 30 minutes later. It was obvious that Bernanke would spill some feces as soon as he starts his speech which has named him the nickname ‘Septic Tank’ to start with.

When quantitative easing, or QE as it is commonly known, started the Fed had no exit strategy. QE2 followed QE and QE3 followed QE2 while a final adjustment was made which many refer to as QE4. After QE4 was announced which amounts to a total of $85 Billion of wasted tax payers money each and every month the Fed had to think about some sort of guidelines as to when they will be forced to phase out their socialistic market manipulation and eventually reduce it down to $0.

The sole reason for the stronger than anticipated bear market rally was QE which artificially propped up markets and dumb money investors happily opened their watering mouths to catch all the feces Bernanke decided to drop into them. Dumb money swallowed the still steaming feces with a smile on their face and kept buying US equities which resulted in all-time highs for major benchmarks. There was a severe disconnection with the real world and as history has shown us time and again such a disconnect will correct itself later rather than sooner.

Bernanke then announced one day that the Fed will remain committed to throw away tax payers money until the unemployment rate will drop to below 6.5% and the economic outlook will remain stable. Since the 6.5% unemployment target was and remains unachievable to the point that even dumb money realized this it essentially meant that the Fed will defraud tax payers without an end in sight.

After the S&P 500 eclipsed past 1,650 and everyone was talking about how you should move into equities smart money understood it was the end of the rally. Bernanke than found out that he is essentially fired after his term expires and then decided to make statements that the Fed is considering to adjust QE. Bernanke was able to do so because the US economy was in the eye of the storm and economic data, especially unemployment figures, painted a somewhat better picture.

After Bernanke rattled the markets with his statements dumb money actually wanted bad economic news in order to keep the Fed in financial markets and continue their idiotic interference. Each economic data point was anticipated to show a US economy in bad shape and dumb money cheered each time they received worrisome economic news. This perversion allowed US equity markets to not contract as much as their European as well as Asian counterparts.

During his press conference yesterday Bernanke stated that the Fed may start to alter QE starting this fall without using the word ‘taper’ and called a full end of QE by the end of H12014. That statement was equivalent to opening Pandora’s Box. Financial markets started to correct and smart money portfolios increased in value as dumb money will be left holding the bag just like in 2009 after they dropped 50% or worse.

Some dumb money segments translated Bernanke’s comments as an overall improvement in the US economy and therefore cheered the end of QE. In reality the US labor market started to crack eight weeks ago and overall economic activity is closer to contraction than consistent expansion. Despite what Bernanke said, which was nothing more than an uneducated guess powered by hope about the state of the US economy by mid-2014, the Fed under a new chairman will not be able to taper or adjust QE.

Since he specifically mentioned this fall and he will still be at the helm of the Fed he may reduce QE by $10 Billion per month to $75 Billion just to make his prediction come true. This fall the US economy will flirt with a recessive performance and his reduction will come at the wrong time. After he passes the torch to the next Fed chairman who may end up being Janet Yellen, the first female Fed chairman, the only thing that will remain of Ben, the Septic Tank, Bernanke, is the fallout of his moronic Fed policy which dumb money praised over and over again.

Plenty of the dumb money camp claim that Bernanke tried to prepare financial markets and make the job of the next Fed chairman, or chairwoman, a bit easier. That is utter crap as he made sure he could do all he can to make the job even more challenging for his successor. Given the fact that traditionally every Fed chairman was absolutely unqualified to hold that post it will be at least entertaining to witness pathetic retards make monetary decisions which will impact the economy.

Either way, I closed my short positions for profits of 200 pips as well as 275 pips respectively and those who followed my rogue forex trades were able to do the same. 

PS: The hottie in the above picture is Breanne Benson.
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Monday, June 17, 2013

Abenomics, JGB’s and the Japanese Yen

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Sometimes it is hard not to laugh and the stupidity of voters and how they tend to make every effort to fulfill the basic principles of insanity. On September 26th 2006 Shinzo Abe became the 90th Prime Minister of Japan by a special session of the Japanese upper and lower house referred to as the National Diet. He was the youngest Prime Minister elected since World War II and resigned less than one year later on September 12th 2007.

During his eleven and a half months as Prime Minister he introduced what is now known as Abenomics to the Japanese economy which backfired and was nothing more than a counter-productive move which gave Japan more of the same and rightfully so. Japan decided to bailout its massive financial system as the Japanese were clouded by pride and stated that no Japanese financial institution will fail. The Japanese government bailed out its failing banks and welcomed an area of recession, depression and deflation from which it has yet to recover 14 years later.

After his resignation a string of other Japanese Prime Ministers left their stamp of failure and resigned within less than one year after winning elections. As the Japanese economy endured recession after recession and the Bank of Japan slashed interest rates down to zero in an idiotic attempt to force Japanese savers to take their money out of banks and invest as well as consume, the Japanese Yen grew stronger as it was regarded as a safe haven and used as a carry trade.

Japanese exporters grew disgusted with the strength of their currency and the Bank of Japan vowed to come to the aid of the only function sector of the Japanese economy; its export sector. In order to make Japanese products more competitive from a pricing perspective they adopted a weak Japanese Yen policy.
Abenomics failed terribly, but Japanese voters worked hard to display their utter lack of memory and on September 26th 2012 Abe was elected Prime Minister again. Yes, you guessed it right; with his electoral victory he brought back Abenomics. This time he made a pledge to turn things around and kick-start the Japanese economy with Abenomics. Same approach as six years ago based on hope for a different outcome equals insanity.

The Bank of Japan, you know the ‘independent’ one, announced a massive QE program on April 4th worth $1.4 Trillion over the next two years. The amount of complete lack of economic understanding and fiscal as well as monetary stupidity only rivals the Ben, the Septic Tank, Bernanke out of the US Fed. The Japanese Yen started to tumble and the USDJPY currency pair moved from below 78 to above 103 in less than six months.

Japanese exporters were extremely pleased, but things have changed rather fast. The Japanese Yen experienced a sharp reversal trade and collapsed back down to 94 just as dumb money analysts called this currency pair to 110 by the end of 2013 and 120 by the end of 2014. Rogue Forex Trader calls this pair to end 2013 between 88 and 92. All other major Japanese Yen crosses experienced the same fat in the forex market.

The fall and rise, yes it was just like that and not the other way around; of the Japanese Yen is not even the biggest problem for Abe, the Bank of Japan and their moronic economic policy. The forex market already mocked the Bank of Japan and their ultra-short term approach to a decade old problem and shoved their quantitative easing campaign down their anus.

Even worse for Japan and as a direct result of Abenomics is the performance of Japanese Government Bonds or JGB’s. Abe and the Bank of Japan hoped to lower interest rates and force consumers to spend their money in order to generate economic activity and invite inflation. The 10- Year JGB traded below 0.32% and remains historically very low especially if compared to other sovereign debt.

After QE was announced it jumped at some point above 1.00% before settling in the 0.80 range. This is just another example why you do not operate based on hope. The Bank of Japan vowed to purchase 70% of new issued debt every month and hoped long-term interest rates would drop even lower. It works different in the real world and long-term interest rates rose which starts to give Japanese consumers even less incentive to spend. Abe and the Bank of Japan achieved the exact opposite of what they desired.

In order to top things off, Japanese Banks already unable to earn a decent return started to dump their holdings and shed 10.8% in April alone and applied further upward pressure to yields on the JGB. Additionally they have hiked prime interest rates in order to cover the shortfall in earnings from JGB’s which now offers cautious Japanese consumers another reason to not spend money.

The rise in interest rates will now impact Japanese debt and further hammer the Japanese economy and could initiate a death spiral of bond selling which will allow yields to skyrocket and interest rates to rise even further and ensure deflationary pressures will haunt the Japanese economy. Japan is the most indebted nation in the industrialized world and is proud to have a record 230% debt-to GDP ratio. The Bank of Japan took what idiotic steps they could in order to try and control the JGB market which backfired severely and is about to do so even more drastically.

This is a perfect example why governments as well as central banks should not interfere with financial markets and the economy. All the Japanese problems can be dated back to the massive financial bailout of their financial system back in 1999. This utter socialistic move destroyed Japan and continues to haunt them. The US made the exact same mistake in 2008 and will face the same outcome. Those who disagree simply fulfill the definition of insanity just like Japanese voters did in September 2012, US voters in November 2012 and so many others.

The Nikkei 225 entered a bear market last week and dropped over 20% in less than four weeks and implied volatility on JGB’s maintained a level above 5% for several trading weeks while the Japanese Yen began to strengthen. After it is all said and done, Abenomics was the same failure as before and Prime Minister Abe as well as the Bank of Japan have accomplished the exact opposite of what they intended.

This is what happens when you vote unqualified individuals into decision making positions and allow their lack of real world comprehension and amusing moronic approach infested with socialism interfere in what should be a free market. The more you decide to mess with a capitalistic idea the worse the impacts will be. Sometimes the economy will revert into a recession and the best policy is to allow the financial system to work as it does because it works perfect as the Abenomics – Japanese Yen – JGB example displays.
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Friday, June 14, 2013

Will I succeed as a Forex Trader?

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You may have asked yourself this question or continue to do so. Most likely you have subscribed to the idiotic marketing campaigns which have helped to increase the popularity of forex trading. Unfortunately every moron who has an internet connection and a laptop thinks that they can call themselves a forex trader.

Those even less intelligent have fallen for the forex robot-EA marketing tricks and hope that a piece of software holds the answers to complete their quest in today’s forex market. For starters, successful forex traders do not rely on pathetic forex robots and only use EA’s if they are coded with their own personal trading strategy which they will never sell. In other words do not bother with forex robots as well as EA’s. In case you do not know what EA stands for do yourself a favor and get out of forex altogether.

Calm down guys, I am not here to squash your dreams and hopes. I am here to be realistic with you and there is no place in the forex market for dreams and hopes. Successful forex traders do not rely on hope and luck, they understand what it takes in order to actually succeed long-term and on a consistent base as a forex trader.

Before we go any deeper I have compiled a list of individuals who are almost guaranteed to fail as forex traders and do not stand a chance to succeed:
  • Forex traders who have the get-rich-quick mentality
  • Forex traders who think they can learn how to trade in a demo account
  • Forex traders who are guided by emotions
  • Forex traders who follow the masses
  • Forex traders who lack discipline as well as patience
  • Forex traders who rely on forex robots and EA’s
  • Forex traders who do not have enough capital to start trading
The above are just seven types of forex traders who are set-up for failure and if you recognize any of the characteristics mentioned and count them as your own than you may want to seriously reconsider trading currency pairs. I mean, be honest. Most forex traders are not cut out to be successful and will never achieve that status.

So, will you succeed as a forex trader?

Rogue Forex Trader can’t answer that question for you but without knowing anything about you; I would short with an accuracy of 98% which is better than any currency pair can give me. In case you did not understand the reference made you are way out of your league and should turn away now before you have lost your last dime trying to live the dream only a few of us are privileged to realize.
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

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This is the disclaimer as well as privacy policy of Rogue Forex Trader. Please take a few short moments in order to familiarize yourself with it so you clearly understand what Rogue Forex Trader is and what Rogue Forex Trader is not. 

One of the key aspects readers need to keep in mind is that all content posted here on Rogue Forex Trader is posted for informational as well as entertainment purposes only and that all readers are solely responsible for anything they may experience during their visit. Additional, Rogue Forex Trader as well as the author waive any and all responsibility for what may happen here.

Let me start this with a few obvious things about Rogue Forex Trader:
  • You came here unforced and by your free will as well as at your own risk
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Rogue Forex Trader is an offensive blog which does not intend to cause any harm. The content provided is the sole opinion of the author for which he can’t be held liable or responsible. The content posted is for informational as well as entertainment purposes only and not meant to be or substitute professional advice. 

Those who seek a professional opinion or professional advice should go and seek a professional. Content posted here is fictional with real life examples used for which no guarantee of accuracy is given. You have decided to visit Rogue Forex Trader unforced and made a free choice to read the content, so please take all responsibility in your own hands.
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Saturday, June 8, 2013

About Rogue Forex Trader

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As the name suggests, I am a forex trader. I have been trading forex for several years and decided to start this blog to take you through a fictional journey through the world of forex trading. Yes, you read that right; a fictional journey. Nothing you will read here is based on a true story or developing story, or is it?

So, why should you read Rogue Forex Trader since it will be a fictional journey through forex markets?

The answer is very simple. All forex trades I will mention are real-market trading recommendations which you may or may not follow at your own risk. All news events I will mention are real-world news events and not fictional so you may get the truth behind the news rather than just some lousy news report compiled by biased journalists who only view a bull market as good and call bear markets terrible.

Maybe you are sick and tired of belonging to the 98%ers.

What are the 98%ers?

The 98%ers are all currency traders who failed at forex trading. The failure rate in today’s forex market is roughly 98% which means out of every 100 traders only two will make it. This is not meant to discourage anyone, just some cold hard facts. Out of the 2% who will make it, only about 10% trade professionally while the other 90% manage to trade part-time and boost their disposable income.

Let’s keep the math coming. Out of 1,000 traders only 20 will succeed in the forex market and out of those 20 only two will trade professionally. 980 forex traders will blow their accounts and keep following the advice they receive by the 98%ers and wonder why their accounts get burned time and time again.

Everything you will read here, from busted forex myths to rogue forex tips will give you a fighting chance to crossover from the 98%ers to the 2%ers. Be warned, what you will read is not what you will get to read in too many places and only the minority will share the same or a similar point of view, but when it comes to successful trading it is good to be in the minority.

The less people share a certain thought the better; this holds especially true in financial markets. As mentioned above the failure rate in forex markets is roughly 98% so I let you guys figure out why you want to be and need to be in the minority if you want to succeed as a forex trader or any other trader in today’s global financial markets.

Honestly, you need to decide why you want to read the Rogue Forex Trader. In case you have no clue I suggest you go back to the 98% and be happy getting what you deserve which is nothing more than scares from your unsuccessful attempts to become a forex trader. Following the advice of the 98%ers is like one blind man giving directions to another blind man.
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