Saturday, June 8, 2013

About Rogue Forex Trader

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As the name suggests, I am a forex trader. I have been trading forex for several years and decided to start this blog to take you through a fictional journey through the world of forex trading. Yes, you read that right; a fictional journey. Nothing you will read here is based on a true story or developing story, or is it?

So, why should you read Rogue Forex Trader since it will be a fictional journey through forex markets?

The answer is very simple. All forex trades I will mention are real-market trading recommendations which you may or may not follow at your own risk. All news events I will mention are real-world news events and not fictional so you may get the truth behind the news rather than just some lousy news report compiled by biased journalists who only view a bull market as good and call bear markets terrible.

Maybe you are sick and tired of belonging to the 98%ers.

What are the 98%ers?

The 98%ers are all currency traders who failed at forex trading. The failure rate in today’s forex market is roughly 98% which means out of every 100 traders only two will make it. This is not meant to discourage anyone, just some cold hard facts. Out of the 2% who will make it, only about 10% trade professionally while the other 90% manage to trade part-time and boost their disposable income.

Let’s keep the math coming. Out of 1,000 traders only 20 will succeed in the forex market and out of those 20 only two will trade professionally. 980 forex traders will blow their accounts and keep following the advice they receive by the 98%ers and wonder why their accounts get burned time and time again.

Everything you will read here, from busted forex myths to rogue forex tips will give you a fighting chance to crossover from the 98%ers to the 2%ers. Be warned, what you will read is not what you will get to read in too many places and only the minority will share the same or a similar point of view, but when it comes to successful trading it is good to be in the minority.

The less people share a certain thought the better; this holds especially true in financial markets. As mentioned above the failure rate in forex markets is roughly 98% so I let you guys figure out why you want to be and need to be in the minority if you want to succeed as a forex trader or any other trader in today’s global financial markets.

Honestly, you need to decide why you want to read the Rogue Forex Trader. In case you have no clue I suggest you go back to the 98% and be happy getting what you deserve which is nothing more than scares from your unsuccessful attempts to become a forex trader. Following the advice of the 98%ers is like one blind man giving directions to another blind man.


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